Excessive Axial Displacement Sebagai Efek Kerusakan Labyrinth Interstage Pada High Pressure Syn Gas Compressor Pabrik Ammonia Pusri IV

  • N L Yadi PT. Pusri Palembang
  • A. Saggaf Universitas Sriwijaya
Keywords: Axial Displacement, Centrifugal Compressor, Rotating Equipment


Knowledge and understanding of the operational conditions of rotating equipment is needed to analyze the causes of non-ideal performance of the equipments itself. In centrifugal compressors, there are quite a lot of potential causes of disruption to equipment function and/or performance. Making the decision to stop equipment is very critical regarding the continuity of a production process. Clarity or at least the dominant possibility is needed regarding the causes of abnormal conditions that occur and follow-up to the process of stopping a production process. Directed follow-up improvements, both in terms of technical work and of course a precise schedule.
