• A. D. Rangga Program Studi Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sriwijaya
  • E. D. Mayasari Program Studi Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sriwijaya
  • E. Wiwik Program Studi Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sriwijaya


ABSTRAK: Lokasi penelitian berada di daerah Cigudeg, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Daerah penelitian memiliki variasi litologi batuan sedimen dari Formasi Bojongmanik salah satunya batugamping. Batugamping Formasi Bojongmanik menempati sekitar 35% dari lokasi penelitian dengan ragam kenampakan secara makroskopis sehingga perlu diteliti lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh identifikasi dan proses diagenesa batugamping Formasi Bojongmanik Metode penelitian yang dilakukan berupa pengamatan singkapan yaitu pengumpulan data dan interpretasi lapangan, pengamatan petrografi dengan memperhatikan komposisi serta hubungan antar komponen, serta interpretasi diagenesis melalui hubungan geologi regional dan hasil pengamatan petrografi. Hasil penelitian berupa identifikasi serta diagenesa dari batugamping di daerah penelitian. Identifikasi batugamping terdiri dari wackestone, packestone, grainstone, boundstone, dan crystalline sedangkan proses diagenesa berada di lingkungan diagenesis marine phreatic,mixing zone, burial, meteor phreatic, dan meteoric vadose.

Kata Kunci: Bojongmanik, batugamping, petrografi, identifikasi, dan diagenesis

ABSTRACT: The research location is in the Cigudeg area, Bogor Regency, West Java Province. The research area has variations in sedimentary rock lithology from the Bojongmanik Formation, one of which is limestone. The limestone of the Bojongmanik Formation occupies about 35% of the study site with a variety of macroscopic appearance so it needs to be further investigated. This study aims to obtain the facies and process of limestone diagenesis in the Bojongmanik Formation. The research method was in the form of outcrop observations, namely data collection and field interpretation, petrographic observations with due regard to composition and relationships between components, and interpretation of diagenesis through regional geological relations and petrographic observations. The results of the study were facies and diagenesis from limestone in the study area. Limestone facies consist of wackestone, packestone, grainstone, boundstone, and crystalline while the diagenesis process is in the environment of marine phreatic diagenesis, mixing zone, burial, meteor phreatic, and meteoric vadose.

Keywords: Bojongmanik, limestone, petrography, facies, and diagenesis
