• Iwan Pahendra Teknik Elektro, Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Nadia Thereza Teknik Elektro, Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Ansyori Ansyori Teknik Elektro, Universitas Sriwijaya
  • M Faris Mutho’a Teknik Elektro, Universitas Sriwijaya
Keywords: Ojek Online, Mobile Appication, ICT


ABSTRAK: Aplikasi ojek online atau yang biasa kita kenal dengan istilah Ojol merupakan sebuah revolusi dari industri angkutan dan transportasi khususnya pada kendaraan beroda dua/ sepeda motor, di mana penumpang dapat memesan jasa/ layanan transportasi pengangkutan anytime dan anywhere. Jasa transportasi ojol ini telah digunakan untuk berbagai macam aktifitas rutin sehari-hari untuk mengantar ke sekolah, kampus dan kantor. Penggunaan layanan pesan ojek di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia khususnya para pelajar, mahasiswa bahkan pegawai kantoran sangatlah populer dan memiliki potensi pengembangan yang besar. Saat ini belum semua layanan Ojol dapat menjangkau daerah-daerah tertentu karena dibatasi regulasi. Aplikasi ojek online yang dibangun untuk masyarakat seputar kampus UNSRI Indralaya memiliki kelebihan antara lain mengutamakan faktor keamanan, kepercayaan, kenyamanan dan keselamatan pengguna dengan berbagai macam fitur unggulan seperti tersedianya informasi valid pengendara baik berupa nama, kontak, foto dan record. Potensi inilah yang dibaca dan akan diterapkan pada permasalahan transportasi kampus dan juga untuk seputar kampus UNSRI Indralaya yang sangat memerlukan jasa transportasi dengan kriteria seperti ojek online tersebut. Selama ini permasalahan ojek konvensional muncul karena ojek konvensional hanya menetap di sebuah pangkalan dan menunggu penumpang untuk memesan secara pasif, berbeda dengan ojek online yang bisa dipesan dari mana saja dan kapan saja. Pembuatan aplikasi ojek online berbasis mobile khusus untuk masyarakat seputar kampus UNSRI Indralaya ini diharapkan akan membawa dampak positif baik itu bagi mahasiswa, karyawan ataupun masyarakat dan dapat menggerakkan roda perekonomian.

Kata Kunci: Ojek Online, Mobile Appication, ICT

ABSTRACT: Online taxibike application also known as Ojol in Indonesia term is a revolutionary of freight service and transportation industry especially for two-wheel vehicle/ motobike, whereupon the passengers can order the service/ tendance of transportation anytime and anywhere. The service of Ojol transportation has been used for any daily activities in everyday’s life, such as for going to the school, campus and office. The use of taxibike services in Indonesian society specifically for students, collagers and even office employees is very popular and has really great development potential. Nowadays, Ojol service didn’t reach all the area yet for the certain region because of regulation problems. Online taxibike application that will be developed for the entire people around the Indralaya’s University of Sriwijaya have a lot of advantages such as prioritizing security, trust, comfort and safety factor for the passengers which use some premium features for the example is the availability of driver’s biodata and information such as name, contact, photo and record. This potency has been read and will be implemented in the term of campus’s transportation problems and also for the people that lived in the area. Indralaya’s University of Sriwijaya really need the service of transportation with the same criteria as online taxibike mentioned before. All the time being the problems of conventional taxibike appear because of they’re only waiting for the passengers come and order a ride, it’s different with the online system that allowed us to order from anywhere and anytime. The making of online taxibike transportation based on mobile application especially fot the society around the Indralaya’s University of Sriwijaya is expected will bring the positive effect for the collage students, employees or the society and could lead the economic- wheels.

Keyword : Online taxibike, Mobile application, ICT.
