Lightning Arrester Installation to Reduce Blackout in Lahat District

  • Muhammad Abu Bakar Sidik Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Egey Suwandi Julian Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya
  • M Reza Febri Putra Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Zamzami Zamzami PT. PLN (PERSERO) UIWS2JB UP3 Lahat
  • Mohd Riduan Ahmad Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering, UniversitiTeknikal Malaysia Malaka
Keywords: saluran distribusi, arresterpetir, optimisasi


ABSTract: The distribution system in Gemini feeders frequently got trips due to lightning strikes. Lightning strikes can generate transient overvoltage, which could damage components and equipment in the distribution system. Additionally, it will cause a blackout to the customers around Lahat District. Lightning Arresters are necessary to install to reduce transient overvoltage. In the Gemini feeder, the optimization of Lightning Arresters installation locations was not carried out yet. Therefore, it is critical to simulate the overvoltage that could appear in the Gemini feeder distribution system and optimize the LA installation locations so that the number of trips can be significantly reduced. Simulation work was carried out by using ATP / EMPT software. Optimization of arrester installation could be observed from the response of the peak average overvoltage value that appeared in the transformer. Before installing the arrester, the appeared voltage on Phase a, Phase b, and Phase c were 197 kV, 91.5 kV, 101 kV, respectively. After optimizing the arrester installation location, the appeared voltage on Phase a, Phase b, and Phase c were 34.6 kV, 24.33 kV, and 10.83 kV, respectively. The overvoltage dropped after the arresters were installed in proper locations.

Keywords: distribution lines, lightning arresters, optimization

ABSTRAK: Sistem distribusi di pejulang Gemini sering mengalami pemadaman karena sambaran petir. Sambaran petir dapat menghasilkan tegangan lebih transien, yang dapat merusak komponen dan peralatan dalam sistem distribusi. Selain itu, akan menyebabkan pemadaman listrik bagi pelanggan di sekitar Kabupaten Lahat. Lightning Arrester(LA)perlu dipasang untuk mengurangi tegangan lebih transien. Di penyulang Gemini, optimasi lokasi pemasangan LA belum dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk mensimulasikan tegangan lebih yang dapat muncul di sistem distribusi feeder Gemini dan mengoptimalkan lokasi pemasangan LA sehingga jumlah pemadaman dapat dikurangi secara signifikan. Pekerjaan simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan software ATP / EMPT. Optimalisasi instalasi arrester dapat diamati dari respon nilai tegangan lebih rata-rata puncak yang muncul pada transformator. Sebelum memasang arrester, tegangan yang muncul pada Fasa a, Fasa b dan Fasa c masing-masing adalah 197 kV, 91,5 kV, 101 kV. Setelah optimalisasi lokasi pemasangan arrester, tegangan yang muncul pada Fasa a, Fasa b, dan Fasa c masing-masing adalah 34,6 kV, 24,33 kV, dan 10,83 kV. Tegangan lebih turun setelah arrester dipasang di lokasi-lokasi yang sesuai.

Kata Kunci: saluran distribusi, arresterpetir, optimisasi
