Current Issue
Vol 3 No 1 (2024): The Journal of Geology Sriwijaya

Articles Coverage: Geology, Structural Geology, Sedimentology, Geomorphology, Tectonics, Petrology, Vulcanology, Engineering Geology, and Environmental Geology.
Published: June 2024
The Journal of Geology Sriwijaya (e-ISSN 2964-8696) first published in 2022, is a peer-reviewed open-access interdisciplinary journal which publishes Earth Science research that addresses not only trending research areas but also multidisciplinary application topics. The Journal of Geology Sriwijaya will publish the first edition in the middle of the year 2022, both online (e-journal) and printed. The journal is published twice a year in June and December. The journal is managed and published by the Geological Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University.